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2021 US Taiwan High Tech Forum

作家相片: 亮廷 劉亮廷 劉

In 2021, two of our most pressing issues are undoubtedly the COVID-19 pandemic, and the global trade tension. This year, NATEA is excited to host the 24th annual US Taiwan High Tech Forum (UTHF) virtual conference with the theme, "Blockchain, Semiconductor and its Intersection in the Future of Finance, Work and Network Infrastructure." The event will span across two half-days, with topics focused on around the semiconductor industry supply chain, blockchain and crypto industry :

The November 5 session will focus on the semiconductor supply chain.

The November 12 session will cover blockchains and the crypto industry.

Credit: NATEA

On Day 1, Young Liu, Chairman of Foxconn and the forum's keynote speaker, will kick off the event. Jimmy Goodrich, VP of Semiconductor Industry Association, will then share his experience and insights into global supply chain policies. Brian Shieh from Applied Materials will follow on with his perspectives in the displays manufacturing industry. Colley Hwang, Founder and President of DIGITIMES, will close off with a talk on Perspectives on the Asian ICT Supply Chain Movement.

Day 2 will feature Edward Chang, Adjunct Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University, who will discuss how to leverage blockchains for data security and privacy. Andrew Tang, Chairman of Draper Associates / Draper Dragon, will discuss the emerging trends in blockchain technologies and applications, and their impact on crypto and finance. Clara Tsao, Founder of Filecoin Foundation, will conclude the talks with her Introduction to Web 3.0 and Emerging Trends in Global Blockchain Policy.

At the end of the 2nd day, a dedicated panel of industry experts will share and discuss their own perspectives around blockchain and crypto. Our current panelists include Clara Tsao (Founder of Filecoin Foundation) and Serra Wei (CEO of Aegis Custody).

NATEA is the North America Taiwanese Engineering & Science Association, a non-profit and tax deductible professional organization founded in 1991. We empower our innovative leaders to broaden their impact by providing a forum for them to collaborate, share business insights, and promote the advancement of entrepreneurship within our community.

For detailed information on event schedule registration, please visit our website at:

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U.S. Taiwan High-Tech Forum

Generative AI + Conscious Technology

Event Location

Grand Hall @ Computer History Museum

1401 N Shoreline Blvd, Mountain View, CA 94043

Event Date & Time

Saturday, November 9th 2024
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm


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