Speaker Profile

Edward Chang
Adjunct Professor, Stanford University
Edward Chang, a pioneer of data-driven deep learning and parallel machine learning algorithms, is currently serves as an adjunct professor at Stanford CS department. His developed parallel algorithms, data-driven deep learning patents filed at Google, and sponsorship to Stanford ImageNet project contributed to the current AI revolution. Before returning to Stanford, Ed was the president of HTC Healthcare (DeepQ), the director of research at Google Beijing, and a full professor at UC, Santa Barbara. He received his MS degree in CS and PhD in EE from Stanford University. He is a recipient of the NSF Career Award and Google Innovation Award. He is an IEEE Fellow for his contributions to scalable machine learning. The broader societal impact of his work was awarded the Tricorder XPRIZE (2017), ACM SIGMM test-of-time honor (2020), and Taiwan Presidential Award (2020).